About Us


Most agree that our healthcare system is a leaking boat.  Although patches may slow the leaks, the answer certainly is not more of the same.   The big Insurance carriers are bureaucratic, lack transparency, are beholden to shareholders and keeping their contracted providers happy.  Hospitals, big pharma and the “big three” PBM’s lack transparency and insanely overinflate costs. In addition, we are seeing a rise in chronic health issues, escalating cost of care, massive waste of spend, and surprise out of network claims. Unfortunately, the employer and their employees are taking the brunt of all this as they continue to pay higher and higher healthcare costs year after year.   As a result, employers are being squeezed and are forced to choose between containing costs and caring for their employees.  It’s expensive, inefficient, and unsustainable.


Navigation Health has a superior vessel.  Through our fully integrated, turnkey self-funded, and level-funded healthcare programs, we offer small (10+), mid and large employer’s innovative solutions that provide better benefits at lower costs and improve the member experience.  Our revolutionary program offers proven cost-containment strategies, market-leading care coordination, advanced technology solutions, all with best-in-class healthcare vendors.  Let us show you how Navigation Health can stop the leaking and set a course for smooth sailing going forward.


The purpose of Navigation Health is to bring alternative health plan options, to the traditional carrier / ASO and PPO offerings, that provide better benefits at lower costs and a superior member experience.  We have spent a significant amount of time evaluating and testing different strategies and tools along with the vendors that deliver them. The magic is not in a specific cost containment strategy and / or innovative technology solution, but the integration of these services overlaid with professional care coordination to help properly navigate.  This is what makes our health plan programs so proficient.


Chad Olson has over 30 years of experience working in the employee benefits arena.   Much of his tenure has been focused on providing solutions for self-insured employers and selling through employee benefits advisors.   The need for more innovative strategies to curtail rising health care costs without sacrificing quality and benefits has become increasingly greater as employers are searching for answers.  Chad founded Navigation Health to meet that need and bring solutions to benefit advisors and their clients, both big and small.

Chad OlsonFounder & CEO